What is the AGM and why should I go?


This meeting is required by our constitution and enables the committee to conduct business on behalf of its members.

The AGM gives members an overview of the association’s current directions, status and financial health.

The Management Committee is elected.


We need 25% of the membership to register for the AGM in order to conduct any business. For the past three years we have, at the last minute, met this.  If we do not meet this then we can continue with the AGM informally but nothing can be agreed and no minutes are recorded.

We have 194 named reps so will need 49 voting persons at AGM 2019.

If you are not attending then GIVE SOMEONE YOUR PROXY, please. 

Joining ASRA

If you or your organisation are thinking of joining ASRA just go to our Membership Section for all the details on types of membership and how to connect with one of the biggest networks of student accommodation professionals in Europe.

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