Welcome Home!
We’ve been busy over at ASRA HQ over the last few months and are delighted to launch our new and improved ASRA website!
There are several new features for members to look out for, including a fully updated digital interface, improved wayfinding, interactive events calendar, image galleries, share and comment functionality, social media widgets, and much more!
Jordan Meates Communications & IT Officer, ASRAI’m incredibly excited to announce the launch of our brand-new ASRA website, which will enable us to provide members with a more efficient, refined, and intuitive centralised hub truly befitting of the association.
Over the coming months we’ll be updating the site utilising many of these new features as we continue to bring you all the latest news, views, and opinions from your association.
We’re keen to hear your feedback on the new website, as well as any suggestions for the types of content that you’d like to see, so please feel free to contact with any views and/or suggestions!
We’re also always on the lookout for members to feature in our Spotlight Series so if you’ve been involved in a project that you’re particularly proud of, want to raise the profile of any work undertaken, or discuss what ASRA means to you we’d love to hear from you!
Joining ASRA
If you or your organisation are thinking of joining ASRA just go to our Membership Section for all the details on types of membership and how to connect with one of the biggest networks of student accommodation professionals in Europe.